Saturday 14 May 2011

pre-wedding photoshoot and kisah kejutan hari jadi...

hi all,

ouhhhhh....tired..tired..tired...sakit kaki sume ade... br ku tahu sshnyer nak jadi model nak kene posing2 sume nih...

today mr smile and i had our pre-wedding photoshoot at Bukit Tinggi, our official photographer during our E-day, mr faizul from Fine Creative Photography. actually we all mmg sgt suke berkoloborasi dgn team dorg nih...y??? coz they all sgt sporting, creative and very talented.

cute kan..kan..kan.. : p


fuh...rasa-rasanyer almost 4 hours taw kami didera....mcm2 shot...cant wait to get all da pictures from them...

this year mr smile celebrate my birthday at Saloma Bistro, Jln Ampang. i've never been there b4. so this is my first time. lalu dpn tuh mmg la selalu sgt. mcm biaserlaaa mr smile mmg suke buat i berteka-teki dlm kete. mula2 i guess dia nak bwk ke restoran seri melayu, sbb lalu kat area jln conlay. pastuh lalu pavi plak, so i teka nak ke red box kerrrrr?????ouh jugak, pastuh nampak menara kl!!! wah, dlm hati mmg dah gumbira, mmg xpnh naik pon, n teringin nak dinner kat restoran berputar tuh....ouh bkn jugak! lame2 i dah penat n diam, baru dia pegi ke tempat nak dituju.

mula-mula sampai, kami di sambut dgn paluan kompang...hahahaha...nak gelak i, mcm dah perantin plak...wek....msuk2 dlm ballroom tuh, i rs mcm i daaa jd tourist plak! mostly tourist yg dinner kat situ...yg kelakarnyer ade sorg bapak indon nih bole tanyer mr smile kami nih dr negara mane....ishhhh xade muke warga Malaysia ker kiteorg nih?????? *confused*
nak cite bab food, overall biase2 ajer....msian xade yg kiteorg jakunlah! hahhaha...i smpt ckp ngan mr smile...syg rase mlm nih, b x wat keje gilerrrrr...sbb rmai org luar, soo xkanlaa b berani nak wat idea giler2 b tue...dia pon, kteorg mkn2, enjoy persembahan tarian2 mlm tuh....but suddenly, at the end of the show...u kno whut happen?????






huhuhu....habis je show mr mc announce kat stage, mlm ni we celebrate birthday bla...bla...bla....i lupe ayat setrusnyer....OMG...malunyer diriku ini....

hahaha xpsal sume org kene nyanyi lagu birthday!

haaaa ni lagi celebrate my birthday last year at TGIF....again...

abaikan suara latar tuh...

hurrmmm......malu mmg malu, tp im really appreciate n terharu tawwwww....on whut he had done for me....he's always driving me crazy beb!!!

oppppsssss we have 19 more days to enjoy our single-mingle life! Insya-Allah, I do really hope Allah swt akan mempermudahkan segala urusan kami...Ameen...



  1. dieha, ko set private video yg kat saloma tu.. xle tgk...

    yg ms kat TGI tu, suara latar nya sungguh lawak...

  2. oouhhh, ter private plak...ok dah bole view....tgklaaa aku tersipu2 ....
