Wednesday 27 April 2011

My Birthday...Mother's Day

hai all,

sedar x sedar ari nih dah 28 april....OMG...adelaaaa dalam sebulan je lg menjelang my wedding,persiapan sedang rancak and da MOST probably usually one month before nih all da parties involve akan mintak at least 80% payment....amma appa.....bile dibelek2 all da invoices bole buat x tido mlm laaa thank's God most of my wedding expenses my parents yg sponsor : D...
but i notice one thing, nak dekat2 hari bahgia nih,aderlaaaa one side nih, yg i notice seakan2 ade agenda yg sungguh busuk hatinya(ok2 i taw xbaek ckp mcm nih) so kite panggil org mcm nih jiwa sentiasa x tenang ....ok not telling lebey2...coz nnti byk plak soal-siasat dgn polis : p

....ok...ok...i kno i dah byk melalut sampai keluar topik...actually i dok belek2 calendar td..dok tick here n there...bile i nak start cuti, berape hari mau cuti tuh sume...n palingggggg i suke i nmpk satu date yg i dah bulatkan besar2....5 MAY ....its my birthday....n paling i suke my birthday dekat2 dgn mother's day...which is on 8 MAY....sooooo kire2nyer,i nih mcm da best present yg Allah bg to my mum laaaa kot on dat time...sure bile ppl asked my mum whut she get for mother's day dat time...mestilaaaa my mum akan kate hadiah tak terhingga i lah kot....(very daaaa perasan hoccay!)..... talk bout birthday....dis yr i cannot guess whut Mr Smile akan wat surprise utk i...last yr dia buat keje gilerrr kat TGIF...soooo blushing....: p....slalunye kalo birthday dia, i akan blanje dia mkn jer...dia slalu komplen i xpandai wut surprise utk dia.yerlaaaa, cmne nak wut surprise, kalo i nak arrange pape sure kantoi awal2 punye...sooooo mlslaaaaa nak surprise2 nih....

ok bout mother's day plak...hurmm...nak celebrate kat mane plak erk....ohhh ya,my mum's not around...she's in OZ...taking care my sis on her confinement day....i dah anak buah ok!....sure laaaaa sgt seronot kan....xsabar nak tunggu dia blik on my wedding nnti.....: )

my 1st anak buah....

my mum dgn cucu : )

   ok..cukuplaaaa 2 pix nih...nih pun i saved fr my sis nyerrr FB..comeykan anak buah i....mcm maklang dia : )
   ouhhhh ya name dia Suhayl Ariq ....(not sure da spelling).....

oklaaaa....mastura daaaa bsing2....sbb dia nak g bank,cek xbuat lg....till now....

p/s: kalo ms kat maktab dulu,time nak dkt2 bday,mmg agak horror..lg2 ade mmbe yg gile...beb... u kno who u r!


  1. ...hahaha... dh cam sya plak yg jd SENIOR!!
    ..just bg arahan... "cek maner??"
    hahaha... anak didik..ank didik.. baru nk berjinak kte kan...hahaha®

  2. argh ko mmg....mmg xtaw menakot pon...

  3. yela dihar..kalu time nk besday je mesti kena teruk kan..sampai abes 1 ATF baju kena gantung..plg teruk kalu kena baling air busuk..huhu..neway besday dot a day earlier than rase cam ade skit x seronot..upenya da makin tue la :-(

  4. haaa....cik linda nihlaaa da one yg menggangtung bj2 i keliling ATF, abih bed n locker i tunggang-langgang dibuatnyer...dot2....ouhh air busuk tuhla petua kalo nak kulit cantek mcm kite2 kots!hhaaha
